Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

Project Management Software

Selamat Siang Sahabat,

Diawal tahun ini saya mendapatkan proyek tentang project management untuk di implementasikan di LSM WWF kalimantan. Apa yang terjadi? setelah melalui proses analisa yang cukup panjang dan berat, akhirnya saya menemukan software yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka.

PHPCollab jawabannya, dengan software bawaannya kemudian di edit dengan menambahkan GIS PETA project, maka well done, apliksi siap di implementasikan. Ini bukan berarti sama persis 100%, yah perlu edit sana edit sini.

Panduan bisa di download di sini ::

Kemudian aplikasinya bisa di download di sini :: (

ini dia feature yang sudah di kembangkan oleh phpcollab...wonderfullll

First Iteration

  1. As Registered User, I want to see the information of the latest (SVN) repository revision
  2. As Registered User, I want to see the information of the latest (Git) repository revision
  3. As Registered User, I want to see a list of revision of a sigle file (SVN) repository revision

Second Iteration

  1. As Registered User, I want to see a list of revision of a sigle file (Git) repository revision
  2. As Registered User, I want to see the differences between two revision of a file stored into the (SVN) repository
  3. As Registered User, I want to see the differences between two revision of a file stored into the (Git) repository

Third Iteration

  1. As Administrator, I want to Create/Read/Update/Delete a project
  2. As Administrator, I want to Create/Read/Update/Delete a Registered User
  3. As Registered User, I want to assign an issue to one or more project members
  4. As Administrator, I want to add Registered Users of the system to a project
  5. As Administrator, I want to Create/Read/Update/Delete issue status
  6. As Registered User, I want to Create/Read/Update/Delete issue
  7. As Registered User, I want to see the list of all tickets of a project (paginated)
  8. As Administrator, I eant to Create/Read/Update/Delete issue priority
  9. As Administrator, I want to see a list of all projects of the system
  10. As User, I want to login into the application

Fourth Iteration

  1. As Registered User, I want to see the list of my projects
  2. As Registered User, I want Create,Read,Update,Delete milestones of a project
  3. As Registered User, I want associate two (or more) tickets
  4. As Registered User, I want to add notes to a ticket
  5. As Registered User, I want to see the roadmap of a project
  6. As Registered User, I want to see a list of milestone related tickets
  7. As Registered User, I want to see the project dashboard after clicking on the projects link
  8. As Registered User, I want to see a list of tickets assigned to me on my dashboard
  9. As Registered User I want to associate one ticket to a milestone

Fifth Iteration

  1. As Administrator, I want to see the user list paginated
  2. As Registered User, I want to modify my profile information
  3. As Registered User, I want to see the user(s) assigned to a ticket on its view
  4. As Registered User, I want to add the estimated time for an issue
  5. As Registered User, I want to see a list of projects in which I have assigned ticket, on my dashboard
  6. As Administrator, I want to order tickets status
  7. As Administrator, I wanto to set status type to ticket status
  8. As Administrator, I want to order priorities
  9. As system, I want to associate a permission to each module action
  10. As Administrator, I want to see the permissions as “module name - permission/action name”

Sixth Iteration

  1. As Administrator, I want to define which trakers can be used within a project
  2. As Administrator, I want CRUD tracker
  3. As Administrator, I want to see the trakers list
  4. As Registered user, I want to log time for an issue
  5. As Project Manager, I want to see an issue log time report (all users)
  6. As Registered User, I want to add a tracker to an issue
  7. As Project Manager, I want to see a link to the project GANTT chart on its dashboard
  8. As Registered user, for a given project, I want to see the difference between the sum of issue estimated times and the sum of their log times
  9. As Registered User with “gantt visualizzation” permission, I want to see a “Planning” GANTT for each of my project

    Ini screenshoot jadinya :

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